Marketing Ideas So Good Your Competition Will Be Questioning Their Life Choices

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The Pawn Leads Marketing Minute


The World's Greatest [FREE] Email Newsletter About How To Market The Mother Lovin' H-E-Double Hockey Sticks Out Of Your Pawn Shop!

The #1 Automation And Text Messaging Platform For Pawn Shops

The first-ever platform built to manage a Pawn Shop Follow up, two-way texting, pipeline, scheduling, and so much more.

Get your first game changing marketing idea immediately!

Here's What You Can Expect From The Pawn Leads Marketing Minute

All-In-One Tools Made For Busy PawnShop Owners

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Email Marketing


Reach and engage with your audience where they are

Create powerful workflows to automate your marketing

Landing Pages

Membership Sites

Convert your online visitors into actual paying customers

Build a membership site to generate recurring revenue

AI Tools


Use the power of AI to automatise your tasks

Centralize all your conversations in one inbox

Call Recording

Reputation Builder

Track performances and optimize your sales process

Build a strong reputation online on autopilot

81% Entertainment

Humans are hard-wired to listen to and enjoy stories and we have some doozies to tell you.

22% Comedy

You might even laugh out loud.

13% The Thrill of the Shill

We are a business after all and aim to provide you amazing service, so from time to time we will make you an offer on one of the cool things we are doing. You can take us up on it or not… It’s your business.

27% Good Ideas

We geek out on all of this marketing stuff and study it for fun. When we find something we think will grow your business in our “travels” we’ll let you know about it.

7% Obnoxious

Because anything interesting is bound to be a little obnoxious.

16% Inspiration

You may find yourself wanting to jump up and run a marathon, you are so inspired.

17% Controversial

If hearing anything you disagree with has you running for your “safe space” you might as well run there now and save us both the frustration.

18% Bizarre

We study strategies and tactics from all kinds of different industries and some of the concepts may seem outlandish for the pawn industry, but the bizarre idea of renting your extra bedrooms to strangers is now a multi-billion dollar business called Airbnb so keep an open mind why don’t ya?

3.5% Blatant sales pitch

And when I say blatant I mean shamelessly trying to get you to buy something without even feeling a little bit bad about it.

And yes... We realize that is more that 100%...

That's because we always give exactly 204.5% around here.

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Sign up today. Or don't. Who am I to tell you how to live your life?

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